ASLA Foundation Project

The ASLA Foundation partnered with ASLA Construction to contribute civil engineering equipment for the technical/construction education at the Jakes Gerwel Technical School of Skills. The equipment hand over was followed by a demonstration by ASLA engineers on how to use the equipment. A number of interested students were invited to visit the ASLA Civils construction site, where the potential of opportunities for vacation work was raised, in order to give students practical insights into the field. ASLA Snr Construction Manager Chris de Jager has visited the school to offer practical training on how to use the two donated dumpy levels competently, and will continue to engage with the learners.

The Foundation is engaging with the school to establish whether there is potential to offer bursars to talented and qualifying learners who are considering pursuing civil engineering as a career. Furthermore, the Foundation is seeking further opportunities to partner with, and support the success, of the Jakes Gerwel School of Skills, by getting involved in some other enabling community initiatives, including supporting two homes for vulnerable learners in need of safe home environments, that support the learners ability to make the most of the education afforded them at the school.

The engagement between the school and the Foundation affords underprivileged Black male and female students the practical opportunity to gain insight into construction careers; the donation of new equipment (essential to construction) affords them the opportunity to learn surveying using state-of-the-art equipment, and the on-site exposure, engagement with ASLA employees and potential vacation work (and a potential bursary) could lay the foundations of these learners making informed decision on pursuing a career in construction.